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VitiFerm BIO Rubino Extra 500g

Delivery is Free within New Zealand to all cities and main towns (excludes Rural delivery).


VitiFerm BIO Rubino Extra is the first yeast strain in the world (Species Saccharomyces cerevisiae, DSMZ 27009) which has been carefully selected from a complete organic habitat. In the selection process, special attention was given to select a strain with special properties in order to ferment red wines.

VitiFerm BIO Rubino Extra has been selected due to its physiological feature of a natural enzymatic extraction capacity. This enzyme naturally enhances the colour intensity and the flavour typicity, in the selected grape variety different than all other previously launched oenological yeast strains. The result is a significantly higher level of anthocyanin in the wine, which is notable though an intensified colour expression of the wine. At the end of fermentation VitiFerm BIO Rubino Extra secures a significantly improved self-clarification compared to other yeast strains.

VitiFerm Rubino BIO Extra is 100% organic from selection to production. VitiFerm BIO Rubino Extra is in full compliance with the EU-regulations 234/2007 and 889/2008.


2B VitiFerm BIO Rubino Extra Product Information v23

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